- Mr – Pan, gdy piszemy do mężczyzny
- Mrs – Pani, gdy piszemy do kobiety zamężnej
- Miss – Panna, gdy piszemy do kobiety niezamężnej
- Ms – gdy piszemy do kobiety, nie wiedząc, czy jest mężatką, czy panną
Gdy nie wiemy kto jest naszym odbiorcą używamy następujących zwrotów:
- Dear Sir
- Dear Madam
- Dear Sir or Madam
- I thought you might be interested to hear about
- I am writing to inform you that
- I am contacting you for the following reason
- I would like to
- I recently heard about
Piszemy prośby:
- I wonder if you could do me a favour
- I’d be very grateful if you could
- We would appreciate it if you would
- Could you please send me
- Could you possibly tell me
- It would be helpful if you could send me
- I am interested in
- I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter
Odnosimy się do ostatniego e-maila lub spotkania:
- Thank you for your information
- Thank you for contacting me
- Thank you for your e-mail regarding
- It was a pleasure meeting you
- I enjoyed having lunch with you
- With reference to our telephone conversation
- In reply to your request
Oferujemy swoją pomoc:
- Would you like me to
- I’m willing to
- Our company would be pleased to
- I would be happy to
Przesyłamy dobre wiadomości:
- I’d like to inform you that
- I’m pleased to announce you that
- I’m delighted to inform you about
Przesyłamy złe wiadomości:
- I regret to inform you
- Unfortunately I’m unable to
- After careful consideration I have decided not to
- I would like to apologize for
- Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience
- I am very sorry for
Załączamy dokumenty:
- I am enclosing
- Please find enclosed
- I’ve attached
- I look forward to seeing you next week
- Looking forward to hearing from you
- I look forward to meeting you
- I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience
- Yours sincerely (formalnie)
- Regards (nieformalnie)
- Yours faithfully (jeśli nie znamy imienia adresata)
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