Coraz częściej sięgamy po nowoczesne kanały komunikacyjne mające na celu pokonanie barier odległościowych. Jednym z nich są na pewno bardzo popularne w świecie korpo wideokonferencje. Czy profesjonalny wygląd, pewność siebie i umiejętności językowe wystarczą aby zrobić dobre wrażenie na współpracownikach? Z pewnością. Jednak w sytuacjach kryzysowych warto mieć pod ręką kilka przydatnych zwrotów, które z powodzeniem pomogą nam wyjść nawet z największych opałów.

Zwroty przydatne podczas wideokonferencji:

Ways to agree:

  • Yes, I agree.
  • It looks good to me.
  • I definitely agree.
  • I think so too.

Ways to disagree:

  • I’m afraid I don’t agree.
  • I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
  • Actually, I disagree.

Ways to tell others you think differently:

  • That’s interesting, but I prefer something different.
  • Actually, I have a different idea.
  • That’s possible, but I prefer something different.
  • I’m sorry, but I have different opinion.

Ways to ask for clarification:

  • Execuse me, I didn’t hear that. Could you say it again?
  • Sorry, I missed what you just said. Could you repeat that please?
  • I’m sorry. Could you say that again?
  • Execuse me, could you repeat that please?

Ways to show you understand:

  • Thanks, now I get it.
  • Thank you, it’s a lot clearer to me now.
  • I understand now. Thank you.

Ways to interrupt:

  • Execuse me. Can I say something please?
  • Could I interupt you for a minute?
  • Sorry to interupt, but I’d like to say something here.

Ways to invite others to the conversation:

  • So, what do you think?
  • Can you give me your thoughts on this?
  • What’s your opinion?
  • Do you agree?
  • What do you think about this topic?

Ways to show your interest:

  • That’s interesting.
  • Really?
  • I see.

Ways to check connections issues:

  • Execuse me, can you still hear us?
  • Execuse me, are we still connected?
  • Is there a problem with your connection?
  • Execuse me, are you still on the line?

Ways to leave a meeting politely:

  • I’m very sorry. I need to continue this disscusion at a later date.
  • I have to leave now for another apointment. I’m sorry.
  • Execuse me, something important has just come up, and I have to leave now. I will be in touch very soon.
  • I’m so sorry, I have another appointment. I will get back to you very soon.

Czy powyższe zwroty okazały się przydatne? Dajcie znać.

