Czy zdarzyło Wam się zapomnieć przysłowiowego języka w gębie podczas rozmowy telefonicznej po angielsku? A może pojawiły się zakłócenia na linii, które uniemożliwiły poprawne zrozumienie Waszego rozmówcy? Tak czy inaczej warto mieć w zanadrzu kilka najczęściej używanych zwrotów, które sprawią, że będziecie brzmieć profesjonalnie i kompetentnie w każdej biznesowej sytuacji.
- Hello, this is … I work at XYZ company and I’m calling about my order.
- Good morning. My name is … I heard your presentation at the conference and would like to discuss it with you.
- Hello, this is … from … office. I’m calling to confirm our appointment.
- Good afternoon. This is … I would like to clarify something.
- Hello, this is … I’m calling with a question for you.
- Could you please confirm …?
- Could you give me more information about …?
- Would you be so kind and help me with …?
- Do you have a minute to review …?
- Would you mind going over this with me?
- Yes, I’d be happy to.
- Certainly, what would you like to know?
- Sure, no problem at all.
- Of course!
- Not at all.
- I’m sorry. I missed that. What did you just say?
- Excuse me. I didn’t catch what you just said. Could you say it again please?
- Sorry. I’m not sure I understand. What does that mean?
- I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand what you mean. Can you explain it again?
- Execuse me. I am not sure if I catch your point. Could you repeat that please?
- No problem, I said…
- I’d be happy to.
- Of course, let me explain.
- Certainly. What I mean is …
- Sure, no problem at all.
- Thanks so much. I look forward to speaking with you again. Goodbye.
- Goodbye and thanks for all your assistance.
- I’ve enjoyed the conversation with you and hope we’ll talk again soon. Goodbye.
- Thank you so much for your help and have a good day. Goodbye.
- It’s been great talking to you. Thank you. Good bye.
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